General Catalyst Partners


Overall Ranking (52%)

The Overall Ranking is a score from 1 star (very bad) to 5 stars (excellent) generated based on the Company Reviews of current and former employees at this company, taking everything into account.

The number you see in the middle of the donut pie chart is the simple average of these scores. If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the % breakdown of each score given.

The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates (to account for companies that have few reviews). Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a "true score" increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset.

The Overall Ranking is generated based on the Company Reviews.

  • 5 Stars
  • 4 Stars
  • 3 Stars
  • 2 Stars
  • 1 Star

Company Details

As a venture capital and growth equity firm, we're thrilled to encounter and delight in helping exceptional entrepreneurs and innovative companies bring a new product to market or transform an industry. But it's more than just writing a big check. We're tireless in our business-building and partnership development assistance.



20 University Road
4th Floor
Cambridge , MA 02138
United States

444 High Street
Suite 400
Palo Alto , CA 94301
United States

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Year Position Location Group/Division Experience Difficulty
2015 Associate Boston Healthcare Positive Difficult